Purchase Gift Targets or Membership (Renewal or New Member) for your loved ones and friends.
It’s always appreciated, believe us!!
Please select the gift type and amount from the drop-down menu and then enter the Bend Trap Club’s Member Name in the box provided. Click on “Buy Now” and proceed to checkout. When purchase is complete, you can easily print out the Pay Pal receipt to include in a card or package. The Club will also be sent a record of the transaction.
If desired, you can click on the picture below to print and fill out a “Gift Certificate” form .
Please fill in the same member name and amount to match you purchase. The Pay Pal receipt will need to accompany the Gift Certificate when presented at the Bend Trap Club.
Please keep in mind that target money received online needs to be dedicated to targets only.
We do not have a mechanism in place (yet) for on-line purchases of shells and /or components. Pricing would need to be adjusted and there is inventory tracking to consider.
Thank you for understanding,