Minutes, Bend Trap Club Board Meeting, July 11th 2016 (Revised)
Bend Trap Club Board Meeting, July 10, 2016 ( Revised Draft)
Board Members Present: Winebarger, Grafton, Stenberg, Brooks, Dodd, Mahnken,and Reed Absent: Holz, Martin, Ramsey, Sanders
President Winebarger opens the meeting at 1:10pm
Club Status-
The June target count was high due to the PITA shoot and the Facebook Corporate
shoots in addition to the normal monthly shoot days. Our costs were also up due to
damage from a lightning strike near the sheriff’s area that fried their irrigation controls,
our need to purchase a pallet of shells and trap parts needed for regular maintenance.
Membership update- Grafton will be going over the membership role and moving
unpaid memberships to inactive status.
Treasurers Report for June and the PITA and ODC Summary
Total Current Assets- $58,892.44 Fixed Assets (real property) $2,747,640.95
Grafton has posted the June financial statement and PITA shoot stats within the
July meeting notice and agenda.
Consent agenda items-
June minutes had additions and will need to be accepted at the August meeting.
The July minutes will also need to be accepted into the record by the board at the
August meeting after any changes or additions,
Directors Worklist- Staffing the clubhouse will need to be adjusted due to the
resignations of Partain and Oeltjen.
Sponsoring Memberships- Arvard Martin has agreed to this task and will keep us
updated. Changes- quote from Arvard “I volunteered to handle those Sponsors that
Tony left "in progress". Deschutes Arms, Centerfire Gun works, and Mountain View
Heating.. and I believe that is it. I did not volunteer to take care of the sponsoring
member program per se. If there are other outstanding issues with some existing
Sponsors, I will be glad to get those resolved ASAP.
If the board and membership find the Sponsor Membership program to be valuable,
someone will step up and take charge of that function, but it will not be me.”
August PITA Shoot Preparations- Grafton says that we will use 6 trap fields and need
referee’s and other help. Parfily has arranged a few kids to help plus we have around
$500 allocated
for labor.
Vice President- Gary Dodd was nominated by Grafton, 2nd by Winebarger. He was
elected by the directors present.
Secretary- Lon Stenberg was nominated by Lloyd Brooks, 2nd by Bob Reed. He was
elected by the directors present.
Matt Jones was nominated to move from probation to general member by Grafton, 2nd
by Winebarger. Directors voted yes. Then Matt Jones was nominated as a Temporary
Director by Brooks, 2nd by Bill Grafton. Again directors approved. Due to the amount
of time as a member, club bylaws do not allow Matt to be a full director until the end of
Adjacent Property- Grafton has been contacted by the owner of property to the north
that may become available for purchase (2-20’s and a 40 acre piece). This was brought
up for future considerations and will be revisited after he knows more details.
We also have a director position open for someone who has the best interests of our
club in their heart.
Next Meeting will likely be Sunday, August 14
Meeting adjourned at 3:45pm
Lon Stenberg, Secretary July 11, 2016