Minutes, Bend Trap Club Board Meeting, July 9, 2017
Board Members Present: Grafton, Martin, Littlefield, Dodd, Mahnken, Jones, Winebarger,
Board Member Absent: Brooks, Reed, Ontjes, Capucci, Ramsey Guest: Curran
Winebarger opens the meeting at 1:10pm.
Motion by Martin/Mahnken to approve June meeting minutes. All in favor
Financial Report
Checking is at $10,133; Reserve at proper levels for emergency use ($23090); Target $20,563;
Development $14,009; Component $5173; Equipment $1710;
Insurance bills (D&O and liability) start in August. D&O is usually about $860. Targets ordered but shipment on hold until we can find a reasonable priced shipper. New firm that handles shipping wanted to almost double shipping costs. Targets are expected to be around $19,000 now.
Skeet has asked for approx. 43 boxes all black and maybe 20 battues in addition to regular DOP’s.
Upcoming capital expense is parking/asphalt sealing balance of ~$2300 in August after shoot. Possible repair costs for practice trap field being investigated.
Curran is purchasing an Atlas trap as an alternative to the Promatic. Specs seem as good and the cost is lower. He will advise on arrival.
Next month has August PITA shoot 4 (ODC) and 5-6. Grafton to sign up PreSquad. We need volunteers for scoring and shoot operations. Grafton can not cashier and will contact Brewer about her availability to cashier that weekend (includes ODC shoot). No word from Porfily regarding labor help or for funding of added money prizes as done last year. Winebarger will smoke a few turkeys for the diner; and he will follow up with Porfily.
Motion to move John Crawford and John Mason to Probationary General membership status by Grafton, seconded by Winebarger—All in favor.
Board consensus to keep 5-Stand open during Todd Bender’s skeet clinic on June 20-21. Ask Joe R. to announce to membership; also announcement for requesting scoring labor for August shoot.
Board was in favor of holding a game shoot in September (like last year); Grafton to transmit updated flyers with dates to Gregg.
The next board meeting will follow shooting on Sunday, August 13, 2017.
Dodd/Martin motioned to adjourn at 1:54pm; all in favor
Respectfully submitted in absence of Secretary Bob Reed.
Bill Grafton, Treasurer
July 9, 2017