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Minutes, Bend Trap Club Board Mtg., June 4,2017


Board members present: Grafton, Reed, Martin, Brooks, Jones, Mahnken, Dodd, Winebarger,Capucci

Board members not present: Littlefield, Ontjes, Ramsey

Club Status:  a)  Paint Caretaker Trailer

                       b) Asphalt crack sealing –Mid June- Still not done

                       c)Road Maintenance & fence repair cost to be shared with Sheriff – 50 / 50

Treasurer report: Need to purchase ½ pallet of shells. Will order clays in mid July

      Checking  at $7849 ,reserve at proper level of  $23,090 ,target at $19536, development at $12,450,

      Component at $5173, and equip. at $1710

Secretary report: May minutes approved by Reed, 2nd by Winebarger

        Membership at 144 active members

         Dick Holtz has resigned as board member. Accepted by Dodd, 2nd by Martin. We need a new 

         Director. Got any ideas?

Pita shoot : June 23,24, 25.  Joe is sending email notices thru website asking for volunteers.  Don Porfily is getting youth help from Prineville as usual to help with the shoot . Thanks again Don!!  Grafton and Michelle Winebarger will take care of the office paperwork again.

Next meeting: July9, 2017

Open forum:  Joe and Cory have brought up the ides for members to sell their own shooting supplies, ammo , shotguns or whatever through our website. They have offered to to care of the listing on the website and keep this organized.  We all felt it was a great idea and they will follow up on the web. Special Thanks to Cory and Joe.

Meeting adjourned at @2:30 Motion by Martin and 2nd by Reed

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