Minutes, Bend Trap Club Board Meeting, April 3, 2016
Board Members Present: Grafton, Sanders, Brooks, Winebarger, Stenberg, Dodd, Reed, Mahnken, Oeltjen,
Board Members Absent: Ramsey, Martin, Partain, Holtz
Guests: Rohrbacher, Curran, Lowe
Grafton opens the meeting at 12:45pm.
Consent agenda items:
Minutes of the March board meeting were accepted, after a correction to make the date of the dues increase June 1, with a motion by Brooks, seconded by Stenberg.
Treasurers report:
The balance sheet accurate for the end of March and the target report for March had been sent out by Grafton. Total current assets $46,722. This includes $3000 in a Facility Development and Repair account that Grafton has set up and seeded with $3000 from the target account. Grafton has changed the card readers to reflect the new, April 1st, per round charge.
The BLM well-head issue will require that the power company pull the powerline. The pump must be pulled out and the pipe perforated and filled with concrete. Cost to the club will be a maximum of $6000.
President vacancy:
The board continues to fail in finding a director to be club president for 2016-17. Martin reportedly is firm in not continuing as president. The President should have an operations focus. The president is a contractual position, includes check writing, and presiding over board meetings. The by-laws allow the president to make appointments for other jobs.
Joe Rohrbacher led the discussion on the email newsletter and up-graded web site. All board members can pass him information for the newsletter. The newsletter will be a standalone system to drive viewers to the web site. Get information to him next week for the start. The secretary will send him copies of the board meeting minutes for inclusion in the web site. Winebarger will be the Paypal contact. Grafton will ask the Bank of America for a corporate credit card needed for Paypal. The club will reimburse expenses on an annual basis. Email rates are likely to run $40 per month. The web site cost will be $29 per month. Email communications require breaking the membership lists into 4 groups. A motion to approve the expenses and to move forward with the email and web site was made by Brooks and seconded by Reed, and was approved.
Other issues:
Stenberg reminded the board that several skeet and 5 stand shooters are currently volunteering 25-30 days a year. Oeltjen asked for help in learning to open/close. Partain can help on some Thursdays.
Sanders reported that Elisabeth Farwell is working to get a notice about the club into the Bulletin’s event listings.
Oeltjen suggested that the club should be open Saturdays instead of Sundays. Sunday openings were a historical thing going back to the Brosterhaus Road era. The board seemed open to the idea but the effort to do both days was not successful when tried a few years ago.
Grafton reminded the board that the Clay Bot is available to anyone, anytime.
Saturday, April 16th is the date for the Crook County Senior Class fundraiser.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35pm with a motion by Oeltjen, seconded by Brooks.
The next board meeting will be Sunday, May 8th at the club after shooting.
Darrell Sanders
April 8, 2016