Bend Trap Club
Board Meeting Minutes for November 6, 2016
Members Present: Winebarger, Grafton, Dodd, Sanders, Ramsey, Mahnken, Reed,
Martin and Stenberg
Absent: Holz, Matthews and Brooks
Guests: Bill Ferrin, Tom Curran and Joe Rohrbacher
Meeting called to order at 1:25 PM by Winebarger
There were no changes or additions to the September minutes. A motion to approve
the minutes by Ramsey, 2nd by Grafton, motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report- On November 1, Grafton emailed to board members a detailed
financial report. Total Checking/Saving- $37, 050.44 Total Liabilities & Equity-
$2,787,242.38 At this meeting Grafton corrected the listed Checking from $5,283.70
to $6,194 which is a portion of the “Total Checking/Saving” account.
Club Status- A new load of targets have been stored in the warehouse and the snow
blower has been purchased to prepare us for winter. You can get with Winebarger or
Grafton to familiarize yourself with the snowblower operation.
The card reader for the doubles trap has been rebuilt and should function properly.
March 2017 Annual Meeting- Grafton indicated that we will need to discuss our
thoughts and intentions for a “Super Sporting” venue addition. Also to be discussed will
be moving the annual meeting from March back to December. There are several good
reasons for doing this including financial.
Membership status- We have about 150 regular members and 25 corporate sponsors.
After discussion, a motion by Grafton, 2nd by Ramsey to continue the regular annual
membership at $75 was passed along with the $175 fee for a gold membership and
$275 for a platinum membership. The 25 bird range fee will also remain the same.
Grafton also stated that he will be collecting the Sheriff Range dues soon which should
be about $3,800 to $3,900 depending on our property tax bill.
Email generated billing for the 2017 annual dues will be done soon and Joe
Rohrbacher has agreed to make this payment available through our PayPal account.
We are still seeking a Sponsoring Membership director or club member. A cover letter
to promote Sponsors and the benefits to youth was suggested.
The Thanksgiving turkey shoot will be Saturday, November 12th. and Reed suggested
that we send a flyer to Facebook in Prineville.
The next board meeting is scheduled for December 4th.
A motion to close the meeting was made by Reed, 2nd by Dodd. Motion passed at
Lon Stenberg, Secretary
December 4, 2016- Motion to approve November minutes by Reed, 2nd by Dodd.
Motion passed