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                                                Bend Trap Club
                              September 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Winebarger, Grafton, Holz, Stenberg, Brooks, Reed, Sanders and
Members Absent: Ramsey, Martin, Jones and Mahnken.
Guests: Tom Currin
Meeting called to order by Winebarger at 1:15 PM, 9-11-2016
There were no changes or additions to the August Board Meeting minutes. Motion to
approve August minutes by Brooks, 2nd by Winebarger, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report: A detailed report was emailed by Grafton on August 30th.
Total checking/saving totaled $56,318.54 Fixed assets totaled $2,748,240.94
Total Equity equals $2,805,169.48
The club is due to order another load of targets. Grafton will take care of this which
totals about $17,500 taken from the target account.
With winter in the near future and the rotary brush attachment to the tractor proven to be
inadequate for snow removal, Winebarger has the discretionary power to purchase a
snow blower attachment and will also list the rotary brush on Craig’s List for sale. There
was no objection from any director present and the estimated cost of the blower
attachment is $3,150. The money will come from the equipment and target accounts.
The snow blower will be used for the shooting fields and the sidewalks. Greg has a
snow blade for his truck to handle the road.
The trap doubles card reader has not been working properly and may need replacing.
This is a pending issue with a replacement cost estimated at $1,500.
There was discussion about the club’s role of hosting the June and August PITA shoots.
A motion by Reed and 2nd by Brooks to host the two shoots was passed by the board.
This month the club will be hosting a meat shoot on Sept. 24th for the first time. Prizes
will include turkey, bacon, shells, Sportsman’s Warehouse certificates, etc. This should
demonstrate to us if this is another viable fund raising method worth the manpower
expended. Sanders suggested that rounds of trap, skeet or 5-stand could be given out
as prizes with the intent to get more nonmembers out to the club. What if this included
shells if the shells could only be used on our club range for the trap, skeet or 5-stand
Stenberg questioned whether the cement on the trap field in front of the club house
could be repaired. Grafton thought that some of the new epoxy resins may work.
Claybot update- Currin and Grafton are working on a target release mechanism similar
to the Blue Controller on the 5-stand. No estimate of an operational date.
Grafton commented that the club and grounds were looking really good. No doubt that
Greg Winebarger’s presence has much to do with this appearance.
Open discussion- The board is greatly concerned with the future of shooting sports
contingent upon who is our next president. Regulations could easily be placed on
components and ammunition that would make recreational shooting illegal (without
numerous additional permits) or too expensive.
The board is also concerned with the decreasing interest in trap shooting and how we
may further diversify the club to gain more members. The claybot system will give us
another shooting venue plus we could also allocate part of our grounds to a small arms
range. To fund this there is the possibility that the county would purchase the sheriff’s
range which would provide money for a paved road and a small arms range. Selling the
sheriff’s range would also mean that the club would then be paying the annual property
Next board meeting is set for November 6th with no meeting for October.
Motion to close the meeting by Reed and 2nd by Brooks. Motion passed @ 3PM.
Lon Stenberg, Secretary
September 11, 2016
November 6, 2016 - Motion to approved September minutes without changes by
Ramsey, 2nd by Grafton. Motion passed.

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