Minutes, Bend Trap Club Board Meeting, June 12th 2016 (Draft)
Minutes, Bend Trap Club Board Meeting, June 12th 2016 (Draft)
Board Members Present: Grafton, Sanders, Winebarger, Stenberg, Dodd, Martin, Holtz,
Ramsey, Mahnken,
Board Members Absent: Brooks, Reed, Oeltjen
Winebarger opens the meeting at 1:10p
Winebarger reported that the traps to be used in the PITA shoots have been serviced. Targets
will have to be brought out to the traps since they have some but not enough targets. Weed
spraying has been done but needs touch up in spots.
Treasurers report:
Grafton had emailed the balance sheet as of May 31 which showed a total account balance of
$47,490. The current checking is about $10K. Paypal account so far is at $1370 and is
reported to be working well for purchase of targets. The BLM well issue is settled, paid and we
have received a notice of compliance.
Grafton reported that Facebook had been out twice, having a good time, shooting a lot of
targets, and generating nice profits.
Grafton reported 10 renewals in the last month, all through PayPal. Total is about 130. PayPal
obviously is of value for convenience.
Consent agenda items:
Minutes of the May 2, 2016 meeting as revised on May 9th were accepted with a motion by
Ramsey, seconded by Grafton.
ODFW grant:
Grafton and Martin met with ODFW in Salem and reported on the meeting. The ODFW grant
budget is approximately $110K and they really want to give out money. The money comes from
the Pittman-Robertson fund that is funded by a tax on firearms and ammo. The grant will cover
70% of the total project and up to 90% of that 70% can be up front. The club would have 15
months to finish. In kind volunteer labor is allowed and there is lots of itemization required.
The original grant for a super sporting venue included $21K for machines and this grant could
be rewritten to fit between the east and west ends of the club. An auto card reader and pull
system would be needed to reduce operational labor and would add about $15K. Batteries,
solar chargers, and covers, not included in the original proposal would add another $6K bringing
the total to over $40K. If we decline the grant the ODFW will have to reallocate the funds so
that a decision needs to be made.
Grafton thinks this is the right direction for the club and Curran reported that the concept has
growth potential. Ramsey recommends doing it next year. Sanders recommends declining the
grant and reworking into a new request over the winter. This grant now is too small for our
project. A motion by Dodd, seconded by Martin, to drop the grant and let ODFW know we may
reapply in the future. The motion passed unanimously. Grafton and Martin will let ODFW know
of the decision. We also need to know if there is a maximum for any single grant. Sanders
suggests that with promotion the continental and claybot could be used as a temporary
substitute until a super sporting course can be set up.
Sponsor membership:
With Partain’s departure the board needs someone to manage the sponsor membership
program. Martin has a spreadsheet showing schedules, contacts, and renewals. One sponsor
member needs a sign made. Martin will follow up with those in process. The sponsor members
need a contact person who need not be a board member.
June PITA shoot:
Dates are June 24-26. Porfily will get 8-10 kids to help. The club will probably need to provide
all labor for the doubles marathon on Friday. Sue will provide food. We will operate to minimize
expenses. Programs will be sent by email only. Special category prizes to be funded from entry
fees. We expect 30 shooters.
Membership survey:
Phil Havens and Barbara Hess contacted members who had not renewed their membership.
Reasons were varied and without great significance. Some were no longer active shooters,
some moved away, some didn’t have the interest to make membership a priority, some were
simply neglectful, and some didn’t want to be part of a club requiring work.
Given the increased dues and stable daily membership rate the questions of raising the target
rate for daily members, raising the daily member cost, or raising shell cost for daily members
came up. No action was taken.
Vacant positions:
The VP position is now vacant. Sanders reported that upcoming travel followed by surgery will
keep him from fulfilling the secretary position at least through October and that he will be
resigning from the position following completion of the current minutes. After some discussion it
was agreed to table the VP decision and after more discussion Stenberg agreed to assume the
secretary position on Sanders resignation pending election approval by the board at the July
Other issues:
We need to order a pallet of shells. The board had no preference on brand but would prefer to
buy locally. Martin and Grafton will order.
Martin requested that the board consider an out of district membership rate for members over
100 miles away. With brief discussion the board chose to make the rate $40 a year. Since
these minutes do not indicate that a motion was made and approved by the board, this issue will
be represented at the July meeting.
The next meeting will be Sunday, July 10 at the club.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:40pm.
Darrell Sanders Secretary
June 13, 2016
29753 E. Highway 20 ~ Bend, OR 97701