Minutes, Bend Trap Club Board Meeting, Aug 14th 2016
Members present: Winebarger, Grafton, Holtz, Ramsey, Stenberg, Brooks, Jones,
Mahnken, Reed, and Dodd
Members absent: Sanders and Martin Guests: Melissa Jones, Bill Ferrin,
Joe Rohrbacher and Tom Currin
Winebarger opens the meeting at 1PM
A motion by Dodd and second by Grafton to approve minutes from the June and July
board meetings passed.
Club status- The club has purchased a deep freeze to store items needed for our meat
shoots such as our Thanksgiving and Christmas shoots. This allows for more
convenient storage prior to a shoot plus a place to keep leftover meats for the next
PITA shoot- Bill Grafton said that it went well with plenty of help. He had numerous
good comments from the competitors and even found time to burn some of his own
Treasurer’s Report- Bill Grafton sent out an email on August 9th with an ODC and PITA
Shoot Financial Summary plus the Bend Trap Club Balance Sheet as of August 9th,
2016. Total PITA + ODC net was $1,102 and Total BTC Equity is $2,800,757.18 Most
of our Equity is real property with $53,116.23 in checking, savings, PayPal and a small
amount of other.
Membership proration- Reed with Brooks second, moved that we prorate the
membership fee from $75 to $55 for July, August, September and $35 for October and
November. Shooters joining in December will pay $75 but will be payed up for the
following year. The motion passed.
Membership status: Bill Grafton has culled the unpaid members and they will not be
able to add money to their cards until they have paid their dues and the card changed
back to active.
Sponsoring Membership Manager- Reed moved with a second from Brooks that Joe
Rohrbacher draft a letter to the membership indicating that Bend Trap Club needs
someone who has a background and/or a desire to manage the solicitation of business
sponsors and assure that the sponsors expectations are met. Motion passed.
Open Forum- Winebarger noted that our Thanksgiving and Christmas shoots are well
attended and that we should consider additional meat shoots throughout the year.
There was no motion made but all agreed that Saturday, September 24th. would be a
good day for this.
Next board meeting- 1PM September 11th.
Move to adjourn by Reed and second by Brooks. Motion passed.
Lon Stenberg, Secretary August 14, 2016
Sept 11, 2016
Minutes from August had no changes or additions. Motion to approve by Brooks and
2nd by Winebarger. Motion passed by the board members.